Employees Information Security Awareness and Behavior a Literature Review


In guild to achieve continuous improvement Maturity Models (MM) are ofttimes used to assess the abilities of employees. Moreover, the continuous improvement is also required in the field of Data Security Awareness (ISA). This is due to the fact, that ISA trainings have to be repeated frequently in order to keep the level of sensation of the employees upwards and to stay in their listen. Within our inquiry project, nosotros are using the Integrated Behavorial Model (IBM) equally definition of ISA. The IBM includes many different aspects like knowledge, attitude, and habit. We carried out a systematic literature review to determine if a MM based on the IBM can be defined to assess the maturity of ISA. Since the IBM covers aspects of psychology, we did not only search for MM for information security, since the human gene is often neglected. Moreover, the awareness is often but assessed via the knowledge of employees. However, knowledge is only i aspect of the IBM. At the end, none of the uncovered MMs considers all aspects of the IBM. In contrast to MM for information security, MM of other fields of research are considering psychological aspects if they are dealing with homo factors. Therefore, information technology is possible to create a MM based on the IBM for ISA. Moreover, we tin can easily derive some of the used assessments for our MM.


  • Information Security Sensation
  • Measuring
  • Maturity Models
  • Metrics
  • Automated measuring


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Tobias Fertig and Andreas Eastward. Schütz were supported by the BayWISS Consortium Digitization.

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Fertig, T., Schütz, A.E., Weber, G., Müller, North.H. (2020). Towards an Information Security Sensation Maturity Model. In: Zaphiris, P., Ioannou, A. (eds) Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Human and Technology Ecosystems. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 12206. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-50506-6_40

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