When Will the July Lsat Be Uploaded

LSAT Score Release Dates

This commodity was last updated March 19th, 2022

As the score release date for each LSAT assistants nears, tensions run high among test takers. The moment of truth is at hand, and you're days or even hours from knowing exactly how you did. In the past, LSAC confused things further by nearly always releasing scores days in advance of their "official score release engagement." Because of this, there was uncertainty and anxiety about the process. Withal, in response to our Twitter suggestions and our open alphabetic character to LSAC about release times, they inverse policy and started releasing scores on the official appointment in 2018 at approximately 9 AM Eastern. Below are listed all prior official and actual release dates for each exam since June 2004 to the nowadays.

If you lot need something to do while waiting for your scores to release, we have this web log post for you!

Additional Information Most Score Releases

  1. The official release date is not considered to be theappointment when scores will be sent out. It's more of a "you'll have your score past this day" appointment. Thus in the past information technology was common for scores to appear much earlier than the official engagement. That is no longer the case.
  2. Scores come up out at the same time for everyone at 9AM Eastern. You can login to your LSAC account to see your score.
Test Appointment LSAC Official Release Date Actual Release Engagement Days Early Days from Test
2004 Tests
Mon, June xiv Tue, July 6 Fri, July 2 4 18
Sat, October ii Monday, October 25 Fri, October 22 3 20
Sat December 4 Tue, January iv, 2005 Midweek, Dec 22 13 18
2005 Tests
Sabbatum, February 12 Mon, March 7 Fri, March 4 three 20
Mon, June 6 Monday, June 27 Sabbatum, June 25 2 19
Saturday, Oct one Mon, Oct 24 Friday, October 21 3 20
Sabbatum, December 3 Tue, December 27 Friday, Dec 23 iv 20
2006 Tests
Sat, February 4 Mon, February 27 Friday, February 24 three 20
Mon, June 12 Mon, July 3 Thu, June 29 4 17
Saturday, September xxx Monday, October 23 Fri, October 20 three xx
Sabbatum, December 2 Tue, Jan 2, 2007 Fri, December 21 12 19
2007 Tests
Sat, February ten Mon, March 5 Fri, March 2 3 20
Mon, June eleven Mon, July 2 Sabbatum, June 30 2 xix
Sat, September 29 Mon, Oct 22 Friday, October 19 3 twenty
Sat, Dec 1 Wednesday, January 2, 2008 Thu, December xx 13 19
2008 Tests
Sat, February 2 Monday, February 25 Friday, February 22 3 20
Mon, June 16 Mon, July 7 Thu, July three iv 17
Saturday, October four Mon, October 27 Fri, October 24 three twenty
Sabbatum, December 6 Mon, January v, 2009 Mon, Dec 29 vii 23
2009 Tests
Sabbatum Feb 7 Monday, March 2 Friday, February 27 3 20
Mon, June viii Monday, June 29 Thu, June 25 4 17
Sat, September 26 Mon, Oct 19 Friday, October 16 3 twenty
Saturday, December five Monday, January 4, 2010 Mon, December 28 vii 23
2010 Tests
Sat, February 6 Mon, March i Sabbatum, Feb 27 two 21
Mon, June 7 Mon, June 28 Friday, June 25 3 18
Sat, Oct ix Mon, November 1 Sat, Oct xxx 2 21
Sat, December 11 Mon, Jan 10, 2011 Thu, January 6, 2011 iv 26
2011 Tests
Sat February 12 Monday,. March 7 Fri, March four 3 20
Mon, June 6 Midweek, June 29 Monday, June 27 2 21
Sat, October 1 Wed, October 26 Mon, October 24 two 23
Sat December 3 Friday, January six, 2012 Midweek, January 4, 2012 2 32
2012 Tests
Sat, Feb 11 Wed, March 7 Tue, March 6 1 24
Mon, June xi Friday, July 6 Mon, July 12 4 21
Sat, October half dozen Wed, October 31 Thu, November ane 1 day late 1 26
Sat, December 1 Friday, Jan iv, 2013 Midweek, January 2, 2013 2 32
2013 Tests
Sat, February 9 Wed, March half dozen Midweek, March half dozen 0 25
Monday, June 10 Fri, July five Mon, July one four 21
Sabbatum, October five Wed, October xxx Mon, October 28 ii 23
Sat, Dec 7 Mon, Jan vi, 2014 Thu, January 2, 2014 4 26
2014 Tests
Sat, February 8 Midweek, March 5 Sun, March 2 3 22
Monday, June 9 Mon, July 7 Tue, July 1 six 22
Saturday, September 27 Wed, October 22 Monday, October 20 ii 23
Sat December vi Mon, January 5, 2015 Thu, January 1, 2015 4 27
2015 Tests
Saturday, February 7 Tue, March three Mon, March ii 1 23
Monday, June 8 Tue, July 7 Midweek, July 1 half-dozen 23
Sabbatum, October three Wed, Oct 28 Thu, October 22 6 nineteen
Sat, December v Tue, Jan 5, 2016 Mon, January 4, 2016 2 ane xxx
2016 Tests
Sat, February 6 Thu, March 3 Mon, February 29 3 23
Mon, June vi Thu, June 30 Tue, June 28 two 22
Sat, September 24 Thu, October xx Wednesday, October 19 ane 25
Sat, December three Wed, January 4, 2017 Tue, Jan three, 2017 ane 31
2017 Tests
Sabbatum, February 4 Thu, March 2 Tue, Feb 28 ii 24
Monday, June 12 Thu, July 6 Wed, July 5 i 23
Sabbatum, September 16 Thu, Oct 12 Wed, October 11 one twenty
Sat, December ii Wednesday, Jan 3, 2018 Fri, December 22 12 twenty
2018 Tests
Sat, Feb 10 Thu, March 8 Tue, March 6 3 ii 24
Mon, June 11 Fri, June 29 Fri, June 29 0 (12:04AM ET) xviii
Mon, July 23 Friday, August x Fri, August 10 0 (8:57AM ET) 18
Sabbatum, September eight Sat, September 29 Sabbatum, September 29 0 (9:01AM ET) 21
Sabbatum, November 17 Sabbatum, Dec eight Saturday, December eight 0 (9:09AM ET) 21
2019 Tests
Sabbatum, Jan 26 Fri, February xv Fri, Feb fifteen 0 (nine:06AM ET) 20
Sat, March 30 Fri, April xix Friday, April 19 0 (9:02AM ET) 20
Sat, June 3 Thu, June 27 Thu, June 27 0 (9:00AM ET) 24
Sat, July 15 Wed, August 28 Midweek, August 21 vii 37
Sat, September 21 Mon, Oct 14 Mon, October 14 0 21
Monday, October 28 Wed, November 20 Midweek, November twenty 0 23
Mon, November 25 Thu, December nineteen Thu, December 19 0 24
2020 Tests
Mon, January 13 Thu, February 6 Thu, Feb six 0 24
Sabbatum, February 22 Tue, March 17 Tue, March 17 0 24
May eighteen-19, FLEX 4 Friday, June v Friday, June 5 0 18
June 14-fifteen, FLEX Tue, June 30 Tue, June xxx 0 xvi
July 11-15 FLEX Thu, July thirty Thu, July 30 5 0 nineteen
August 29-September ii FLEX Fri, September 18 Fri, September 18 0 twenty
October 3-eight FLEX Fri, October 23 Friday, October 23 6 0 20
November 7-xi, FLEX Tue, November 24 Tue, November 24 0 17
2021 Tests
January 16-17, FLEX Wed, February 3 Wed, Feb 3 0 xviii
February 20-21, FLEX Wednesday, March 10 Wed, March 10 0 eighteen
April ten-11, FLEX Thu, April 29 Thu, April 29 0 19
June 12-fifteen, FLEX Thu, July one Midweek, June 30 7 1 18
August 14-17 Friday, September 10 Fri, September x 0 24
October 9-12 Wed, Oct 27 Midweek, Oct 27 0 18
Nov 12-14 Wed, Dec 1 Wed, Dec ane 0 nineteen
2022 Tests
January fourteen-sixteen Wed, February 2 Midweek, Feb 2 0 19
February 12 Thu, March 3 Thu, March iii 0 xix
March 12 Midweek, March thirty
April 30 Midweek, May eighteen
June xi Thu, June 30

Special Exceptions & Notes

  1. LSAC was closed for 3 days due to Hurricane Sandy in November 2012.
  2. Tests from UCSB were lost for this assistants in 2015.
  3. Due to an impending storm, scores from the March 2018 tests came out early. This information came from a specific annunciation from LSAC.
  4. The LSAT-Flex was a special exam offered to students effected by the coronavirus throughout 2020 and half of 2021.
  5. A technical fault in LSAC'south system caused 140 test scores to become missing.
  6. Some scores were released a day early on due to a manual LSAC error, state of affairs was and then corrected and scores were released on the intended date.
  7. Score release day was originally announced as July 1st, just was bumped a 24-hour interval to June thirtyth. Date modify announcement was made on June 22nd

Jon Denning is PowerScore'due south Vice President and oversees product cosmos and teacher grooming for all of the exam services PowerScore offers. He is likewise a Senior Instructor with 99th percentile scores on the LSAT, GMAT, GRE, SAT, and ACT.

Jon is widely regarded every bit one of the world'due south foremost authorities on LSAT training, and for the past decade has assisted thousands of students in the law school admissions process. He has also created/co-created a number of PowerScore's LSAT courses and publications, including the Reading Comprehension Bible, the In Person, Live Online, and On Demand LSAT Courses, the Avant-garde Logic Games Course, the Advanced Logical Reasoning Course, and a number of books in PowerScore'southward popular LSAT Deconstructed Series.


Source: https://blog.powerscore.com/lsat/lsat-score-release-dates-scheduled-vs-actual-comparison/

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